Gagade, the Danish pedestrian shopping street

Berdichevsky, Norman

Berdichevsky, N. (1984). Gågade, The Danish Pedestrian Shopping Street. Landscape Journal, 3(1), 15-23.

Historic Architectural Values , Hygiene , Pre-automobile Advantages , Shopping Street , Traffic Measures , Walkability

Since 1962 virtually every Danish town has converted its major downtown shopping street into a pedestrian thoroughfare known as a gSgade (walking streeO. The g~gader have been successful at relieving traffic congestion; stabilizing inner city retail sales," encouraging the pedestrian activity of women, children, and the elderly; and increasing public appreciation of the historic urban architecture of the pre-automobile age. Supporters of the pedestrian concept are eager to expand the g~gader to residential areas outside the inner city commercial core, but rising opposition from motorists, as well as practical limitations, have hindered a further transfer of street space from automobile to pedestrian use.

Main finding
This historic paper from the 80s analyses a danish pedestrian street and concludes that historical architectural values (pre-automobile) have tremendous qualities in the eyes of the danish public. This particular street is a model for pedestrian friendly streets, and is seen as being an essential element to maintaining the vitality of the inner city.

Description of method used in the article

Of practical use

Organising categories

Walking or Rolling
Field Observations Meta-analysis
Physical types
Geographic locations