Lynch, K., & Rivkin, M
Lynch, K., & Rivkin, M. (1959). A walk around the block. Landscape, 8, 24-34.
Perception Legibility
Main finding
The main finding is the following hypothesis: the individual must perceive his environment as an ordered pattern, and is constantly trying to inject order into his surroundings, so that all the relevant perceptions are jointed one to the other. Certain physical complexes facilitate this process through their own form, and are seen as ordered wholes by native and newcomer alike. Subsequent use and association simply strengthen this structure. Other complexes, however, do not encourage this fitting together, and they are seen as fundamentally disordered by the newcomer. For the native, this "dis-ordered" complex may also seem to be an organized one, since habitual use and perception have allowed him to put the collection together by means of associated meanings, or by selection, simplification, distortion or even suppression of his perceptions. This progressive imputation of order is often alluded to, implicitly or explicitly.
Description of method used in the article
Live recording of perception during walking down the street
Of practical use