Lara, F.
Lara, F. L. (2010). Beyond Curitiba: The rise of a participatory model for urban intervention in Brazil. Urban Design International, 15(2), 119-128.
Participatory Budget
Urban Design
Urban Policy
This article uses the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte as a case-study to show that beyond the centralized planning model that prevailed in the 1970s, a new model of urban intervention has developed, based on the participatory budget and focused on the most vulnerable portion of the Brazilian urban population: the favela dwellers. While larger Brazilian cities such as Sa ̃o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have a deeper history of intervention in the favelas, this article focuses on Belo Horizonte as the polar opposite to the well-known model of Curitiba. If we agree that any real sustainable urbanism should be built upon a participatory community, the favela’s interventions carried on in Belo Horizonte might rise to the occasion as a promising alternative.
Main finding
Study of 326 slum upgrading public space projects shows the need for "another layer of community involvement" and a governance system that can survive changes city administrations.
Description of method used in the article
Of practical use