Martins. Juliana, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, London, UK
Martins, J. (2015). The extended workplace in a creative cluster: Exploring space (s) of digital work in silicon roundabout. Journal of Urban Design, 20(1), 125-145.
Public Space As Workplace
This paper examines the relationship between space and the digital industries through everyday work practices in Shoreditch, London. Drawing on interviews with digital workers, the paper examines how work unfolds in multiple settings and how the built environment supports these work patterns. Digital work extends from the office or the residence (the base) to multiple settings (ancillary spaces) in what can be defined as an extended workplace. The study identifies micro and macro scale characteristics of the built environment that are relevant (spatial characteristics of semi-public and public spaces, access and control, location, and attributes of the neighbourhood) expanding the understanding of why and how place matters for these industries. A typology of ancillary spaces and some reflections on policy implications are advanced.
Main finding
Digital work extends from the office or the residence (the base) to multiple settings in Public space.
Description of method used in the article
Drawing on a larger study, data for this paper were collected through three methods: semi-structured interviews with people involved in these digital industries (n 1⁄4 17), observation of semi-public and public spaces in the case study area, and secondary data (maps, reports, websites).
Of practical use