William Riggs & John Gilderbloom
Riggs, W. & Gilderbloom, J. (1). Two-Way Street Conversion. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 36(1), 105–118. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0739456X15593147
One-way Streets
Two-way Streets
While recent policies directed toward multimodal or complete streets have encouraged increased funding for bicycle- and pedestrian-oriented projects, many streets are still plagued by unsafe conditions. This is especially true for one-way streets, which studies show often create unsafe crossing conditions. This study evaluates changes to street dynamics after a two-way street conversion in Louisville, Kentucky. We find that traffic flow increased after implementation of two-way flow, but traffic accidents decreased. We also note other ancillary benefits, such as increase in property values and reduced crime. These results provide evidence that conversions can promote mobility, safety, and livability.
Main finding
Description of method used in the article
Of practical use